Independence Day

How to Make It Through 4th of July in the Day of IPA

How to Make It Through 4th of July in the Day of IPA

It is easy to see the age of micro brews and crafts beers is moving forward at full force, most notably, a type of beer called India Pale Ale (IPA). Beer crafters are working hard at creating the most flavorful and potent beers to gain the attention of their audience and ditching the traditional hefeweizens and lagers. If you aren’t already familiar with a few IPA brands then you have at least tried a few. The days when the average alcohol percentage was at about 4.0-6.5% has now shifted into 8-9% and not slowing down with a variety at 10% or more. Therefore, how does a modern male like yourself make it through ALL of the 4th of July as you sip, swig, or chug your beloved IPAs on the way to the firework grand finale? There are only a few options and some are prettier than others. This might sound easy but this isn’t your typical Bud Lite or PBR (not that there is anything wrong with that). Just to be clear, I do not condone overdrinking or drinking irresponsibly, at the same time we do live in California which has more breweries than any other state. Let’s be honest, it’s easy to get carried away which can take you from sipping to chugging. So, let’s drink like modern males, create a game plan for the 4th, try an IPA or two, and see what the grand fireworks bring on this patriotic day (or any day for that matter).  

Modern Male Counseling, George Fuentes MFT registered associate, 4th of July

If you are an IPA drinker, you know you have to respect the hops in order to enjoy it. The first and most important step is to figure out how you want to end up at the firework show, the second… stick to the plan! Your three options are: to sip, swig, or chug. We all know which option sounds like the most fun but it doesn’t always mean it ends how you want.

Sip: For those of you just getting in to IPA’s or at the beginning of exploring this less traveled path, this is a day you can indulge in IPA’s that haven’t been introduced to your taste buds. If you choose to sip your way through the 4th you can also have fun at the beach, play a variety of games, eat some great food and you are essentially guaranteed to make it ALL the way to the fireworks (because you won’t be wasted). You might be tempted to turn the notch up in terms of how much IPA you sip, but you are a man interested in savoring newfound hops versus being consumed by them. Cheers!

Swig: This option is for someone who is familiar with IPA’s , they have a few favorites they gravitate to and respect its complexity. Interestingly, “swigging” is actually the most sought out option but it is also the least achieved because it can be a fine line to balance on, and can lead to overdoing it. If you choose to swig, your goal will be to not get carried away by the crowds, energy, or the presence of a lady friend. Whether you grab a glass of water in between each IPA, avoid drinking them back to back, eat plenty of food, or go for the tamer IPA’s, it is in your best interest to stay focused. By sticking to your plan to swig, you will have a better chance of being present, making great memories, and of course seeing all the sparks at the end of the night.

Chug: The option to chug requires no self-restraint and consists of drinking one IPA after another. If you haven’t experienced anyone chugging every IPA in sight, it isn’t pretty. An IPA is full of flavor that isn’t so pleasant after you have overdone it. This option is more for an inexperienced IPA drinker who doesn’t care much for the creativity behind the beer and hasn’t really thought out how he wants his 4th to end other than starting strong and finishing with a bang (no pun intended).

As a Modern Male myself, I am here to support other men like you to get the most out of life and feel a sense of accomplishment, confidence, and belief in your capabilities. IPA’s are going in an awesome direction but I have found that being more present and not getting carried away is a lot more rewarding. Cheers to IPA’s, Independence Day, and making modern decisions.

4th of July, Modern Male Counseling specialist, George Fuentes MFT registered associate


About the Author: George Fuentes is a Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Associate and Professional Clinical Counselor Registered Associate.  For more information about achieving a rewarding, fun, and stress free life as a Modern Male or to schedule an appointment with George, please call/ text 949.385.1962 or visit